Throughout human history, most slavery has been enforced physically — with whips and chains. There is no enemy. The global elite, nazi, sabbetean mafia who have been running our world for thousands of years, are currently carrying out plans to exterminate 95% of the worlds population. Sadly, we have been conditioned to believe that the job of the government is to keep us safe, but in reality the job of the government is to protect our liberties. For those still living in an 11 year bubble of denial.. WAKE THE FUCK UP! Read Article here, Truth11 Films | 911 Truth to Ticks and Leeches by Tool, An insidious brainwashing program set to be launched next week will “organically” weave the government’s political propaganda into prime time network television shows, with positive talking points about Obama’s environmental, bailout, health care and “servitude” agenda being seamlessly integrated into the content of dramas, reality shows and comedies. And that means ANY FEW. The Copyright Office Is A Corrupt Raceteering Operation For Censorship, It is a known fact that the Copyright Office has been a fraud, does nothing to protect the original content creators, and has deprived America of it’s true creativity. Not just for one event but to act in unison as a collective making decisions for the collective. This film is a big picture understanding of the plans that are being carried out around the world to cull the population. You cannot sit in denial any more. An ever controlled life of servitude, enslaved to the same people who put Hitler in power. Businesses forced to close. United we stand. See also bilderberg quotes here. The general consensus from the corporate media is, if we want to travel, we have to just put up with our rights being violated. The name which struck terror into the German people who still believed in freedom and wanted their nation to remain a peaceful, respectable member within the international community. Read article here, The percentage of Americans in the prison system prison system, has doubled since 1985 | Why don’t presidents fight the war? The U.S. Government and Jesuit controlled sections of the HAARP environmental weapons system, under President Barack Obama in coordination with monarchies and Zionist banking networks, are creating polar vortex and nuclear typhoons filled with Fukushima radiation that is then dropped on the northern hemisphere populations, especially targeting the United States people with depopulating radiation. In fact, it does the opposite. 69 years later, nuclear experimentation has proven to be a failed experiment at every step, and the inextricable nuclear fuel and nuclear war cycles to be a deadly chain of meltdowns, bombings and denials. The policies of the WHO, the IAEA or the Japanese government cannot be trusted.” and “if the power to save our citizens and future generations exists somewhere, it does not lie within the government or any academic association. It was the first desegregated church in Indiana. As Rothschild front man George Soros, told Bild Magazine in September 2014: “I’m going to bring down the U.S. by funding black hate groups. Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama, Alex Jones latest documentary lays out in precise detail the long-running plot by a cabal of global elitists to take over the world and deliver humanity into grinding slavery and usher in a new Dark Age. Some see an entirely new species emerging when revolutionary technologies begin to be applied to the human race. Millions of people have been slaughtered over the fake war on terror. The plan involved a fake alien invasion, germ warfare, starvation, atomic war and artificially generated disasters like tsunamis and earthquakes. Why is this? U.S. military intelligence says the rioting was stopped only after over a thousand armed looters were shot. Truth is an unwelcome entity. He institutionalized tyranny. Away with these laws that have been imposed on us, away with the masks that make us slave!” Read article here. Are you prepared to be dispossessed and enslaved? The HAARP caused flooding is expected to be followed by an earthquake and then a “nuclear emergency” involving the 15 nuclear reactors located in the region. Renouncing the Creator, humanity has been inducted into a satanic cult. This goes beyond the question of whether the disaster is real or imagined. It is a system of money that was created by the bankers and that operates for the benefit of the bankers. We must all act upon the truth. Nothing is sensationalised, but the details quietly and relentlessly build into an ever more dreadful threat. Swisscom, the Swiss telecommunications company, says non-thermal wireless radiation “has a genotoxic effect”, causing “clear damage to hereditary material [DNA]” and an “increased cancer risk”. Today it is infinitely easier to kill a million people then to control a million people. They have been incrementally applied thus far, successfully keeping the population passive and avoiding any large-scale civilian unrest, while effectively reducing living standards for the majority of the population. They will not be the last. Japan Earthquake + Tsunami Caused By HAARP and Nukes In the Seabed, The horrific earthquake weapon attack on Japan, resulting in 10 meter tsunamis along much of Japan’s coast line came from rogue elements of the U.S. government located in underground bases in New Mexico and Nevada, according to pentagon and CIA sources. Well it does and it affects millions around the world. There is nothing left of the American character. Read article here. The film will be released soon, date to be announced. The U.S. and Canada are now further advancing this agenda through the Beyond the Border agreement. Below are 13 of our films to watch and share freely. He migrated to Europe where he could pursue his miracle. Furthermore, many refer to the CFR as an international criminal gang due to their support for violent regime change, among other questionable behavior. Google’s annual Zeitgeist conference, which has been based at the Grove since 2007, immediately precedes the Bilderberg Group conference by a matter of days.” Bilderberg’s “being recast as ‘Google-Berg’ – partly because of efforts on behalf of activists to tear away the veil of Bilderberg’s much cherished secrecy, and partly as a means of re-branding authoritarian, undemocratic secret gatherings of elites as trendy, liberal, feel-good philanthropic-style forums like Google Zeitgeist and TED. A unity of our global voice. Read article and watch here. Under the cloak of doing good by fighting international crime, Google will likely be given full reign to not only monitor but infiltrate people and organizations that the DoD, DEA, CFR and other alphabet agencies desire. Under Adolf Hitler, Germany was a Big Brother totalitarian police state that ruthlessly repressed freedom and individual liberty. Its time to wake up. The essence of Satanism is breaking the rules: flouting the natural and Moral Order. Their plan was to kill at least 4 billion people and permanently enslave the rest of humanity. They demanded the relevant government documents proving that all federally approved vaccines had been tested for quality over the past 32 years — and there were NONE! Perpetual war, genocide, and fascist rule continue because the masses live with the assumption that if they ignore the fact that their government is against them, that it will not affect them. Nicholson’s film should bring some comfort: its grave and careful tracing of how Jones and his followers came to be where they were and do what they did restores much of what has been lost in cultural translation. His word is final. Forty years on from America’s most infamous massacre, this harrowing documentary traces the Rev Jim Jones’s suicide sect – and hears from the handful who made it out alive, Last modified on Wed 8 Jan 2020 10.18 GMT. Independent media sites like are a growing source of information that is based upon reality and fact. Read Article Here. Read article here, CERN To Attempt ‘Big Bang’, Stephen Hawking Issues Warning; ‘God particle’ found by CERN “could destroy the universe”, Fukushima Radiation Is Part Of The Depopulation Agenda. Note: attempts to label this quote as fake appear at the top of internet searches such as “Lead Stories” but NSA sources say it’s real. This essential short film informs you of the dangers that are present to you and your family and provides solutions and recommendations for you and your family. Globalist influences have broken down national borders. Everyone who supports the #scamdemic or Big Joe is in debt to them or literally on-the-take. This was because the armed saboteurs and their financial backers were all rounded up before their planned climax of mayhem, Pentagon sources say. President Obama ensured the continued operation of Guantanamo for another year by signing the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013, and refused to challenge the Congressional mandated ban on transfers from Guantánamo to the federal court and prison system in the United States. This speech and several others in the movie Network (1976) holds as true today as it did back then. Read article here, Truth11 Films | Techno Revolution + Self-Government System, Truth11 films latest short film is a call to action for peaceful instant global techno revolution, followed by a system that is already in place for global self-government. The establishment will irritate you—pull your beard, flick your face—to make you fight. Not “The Peoples Temple,” but Cabalism or illuminism i.e. Now they’re published quickly, and there’s a new one out on Libya (PDF). It is off limits. Read article here, Fake Death Of Bin Laden + The War On Terror False Flag Operation, By now, you are probably worn out from all the speculation about the actual events in Pakistan that claim the death of the public enemy No 1. Read article here. Also, on June 5th U.S. military White Hats found and disarmed three nuclear devices, seized countless pipe-bombs, and arrested two snipers,” according to NSA sources. Main Core: 8 Million+ Americans On The List, Are you on the list? They want to own everything and deprive God of his crowning achievement, mankind. Natural resources are sold off and the country works eternally to pay the debt. The wall street bailout con jobs, outlined in detail in this Rolling Stone article. Read article here, Voting … is a poor substitute for democracy, which requires direct action by concerned citizens, The past has shown us when faced with tyranny and corruption, there is only one way for the masses to regain freedom : Rise up, resist, revolt, strike, defy and do it in mass. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Sections 1021 and 1022, authorizes the indefinite military detention, without charge or trial, of any person, including an American citizen, and applies the “Law of War,” to U.S. soil, making the United States legally a battlefield. Although hemp can legally be grown in Canada under strict controls (e.g., farmers must obtain only permitted low THC seed), hemp oil is not a legal substance and Simpson found himself eye-to-eye with the might of the Canadian government. Carter, who lost his wife and son in the compound’s pavilion, objects deeply to the way the massacre has been simplified and reduced. …we are apposed around the world, by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy, …I am asking for your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. Jim Jones convinced his followers to collectively ingest a lethal dose of cyanide-laced drink to escape a world that, by his estimation, could no longer serve them. Via its International EMF Project, WHO is supposed to be protecting us from the harmful effects of this radiation—radiation that we cannot see, smell or taste, even though it penetrates and affects every cell of our electromagnetic bodies. For now Clinton, Bush, Baker and the other Bilderberg Nazi’s are trying to cut a deal with China that will allow them access to large amounts of funds which they plan to hide and use to re-assert their power after the current political storm blows over, the source says. Welcome to the health dictatorship. Failure to resist implies consent. Read article and see photos and videos here. The Rockefeller Foundation has presented the “National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan”, indicating the “pragmatic steps to reopen our workplaces and our communities”. Attacking Syria is their latest provocation. And yet this tyranny is all being made possible by a compliant populace that continues to dutifully pay federal income taxes. He represents the worst of rogue governance. Their accelerating program towards the culling of billions of human beings from this planet, SERCO is the lynch pin which implicates the Crown as perpetrator of this well-planned genocide. Read articles here and here, Manufactured Reality + A Politically Constructed History, The American people are prisoners of state terror and victims of totalitarian propaganda. See movie here, The Pole Shift In Global Financial Power Is Almost Complete, The process of removing the cabal that has controlled most of the world for the past 300 years is almost complete, according to sources directly involved in the takedown. The intention is to rob us blind and kill us. Read article here, Those who conspire for war, profit, and evil, cry conspiracy theory when their actions are questioned; The masses hear conspiracy theory and regurgitate it upon cue. No surprises, just built to fail from inception. With the failure of Texas lawsuit, I repost this article from a month ago. 4000 hungry children die per hour, from starvation, while billions spent on bombs, creating death showers. – The Republic, Plato The 1995 bombing in Oklahoma City was a direct blow to the heart of America. It also has information from interviews by Alfred Lambremont Webre released May 9, 2011, with independent scientist Leuren Moret. Belligerents like America and Israel put their own priorities above international laws. Ebola: Biological Warfare By US Government, The Master Criminal Of Our Time, Experts have brought to the public’s attention that ebola is a genetically modified organism developed in US biowarfare laboratories in Africa. Expect Washington, rogue NATO allies, and regional partners to take full advantage. Thought. It connects many dots that needed to be connected and brings us to the point of horrific truth, that needs to be publicly known. An excellent explanation of the big picture of this global scam. It threatens to topple two more before the end of February: Yemen and Egypt. The labels include Microwave Sickness, Radio Wave Syndrome, EMF Intolerance Syndrome and Rapid Aging Syndrome. See article and watch video here, A Right Is Not A Right If They Can Take It Away, Suspension of rights in Toronto for the G2o, If they get away with this, they will do it again. act or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question. See the article, clips and the full movie here. Its goal is to dispossess, enslave, and even exterminate humanity. He pointed out to top executives that every country the IMF/World Bank forced their way into ended up with a crashed economy, a destroyed government, and some even broke out in riots. They license/sell food seeds. We can communicate as a collective and decide what is best for us all, we can abolish the structure that breeds corruption where the few decides what is best for the many. Loungewear Is the Undisputed Winner of 2020. He’s doing so on humanity. The Global Economy’s Corporate Crime Wave, The world is drowning in corporate fraud, and the problems are probably greatest in rich countries – those with supposedly “good governance.” Poor-country governments probably accept more bribes and commit more offenses, but it is rich countries that host the global companies that carry out the largest offenses. ….. A chemical warfare has been declared on us. Read article here. We cannot allow the IMF to take the place of the Fed. Google styles itself as a friendly, funky, user-friendly tech firm that rose to prominence through a combination of skill, luck, and genuine innovation. Read article here. Read article here, Bilderberg Meeting 2011 – Swiss National Councillors Letter About This Corrupt Group, This Group unites a kind of European and global elite of Bankers, Industrialists, Diplomats, US and European NATO Brass, crowned heads, Media groups, their Moguls and Editors, as well as Heads of States, whether retired or not, which coordinates, exchanges, organizes and structures, out of all democratic control, the major guidelines towards economic globalization. Articles, the jonestown report 2020. Obama Declares He Will Rule By Authoritarian Decree, The Obama administration has announced it will now rule by fascist decree and ignore Congress and the American people. Not because it’s effective, decreases morbidity, mortality or diminishes any specific cancer rates. There is no money drives or requests for donations. Mark Zuckerberg is David Rockefellers grandson. 1. Truth11 Films 13th film release; s a look at the global problem we all face in Chemtrails or geoengineering. In fact, it does the opposite. The ex-CIA agent, who’s also an experienced commercial airline pilot, has blown the whistle on the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings, claiming that the three towers were actually brought down by controlled demolitions, and not by passenger planes that were flown by amateur pilots. However, the process is not as speedy as the globalists had hoped. A leaked U.S. Army document prepared for the Department of Defense contains shocking plans for “political activists” to be pacified by “PSYOP officers” into developing an “appreciation of U.S. policies” while detained in prison camps inside the United States. Their model; Force and Hypocrisy, used to destroy whole countries in the name of “freedom”, “democracy”, “human rights” and “free trade”. The columns were cut at specific angles and lengths to promote collapse and ease of shipping. Read article here, Obama Administration Orders World Bank To Keep Third World In Poverty, By preventing poor nations from becoming self-sufficient in blocking them from producing their own energy, the Obama administration is ensuring that millions more will die from starvation and lack of access to hospitals and medical treatment. destroying Iran’s nuclear facilities within three years; prolonging war on Syria by arming anti-Assad elements; Internet control through “cyber resilience;”. Definition: Phenomenon: |fəˈnäməˌnän, -nən| noun (pl. Several children have already died in the preliminaries. Depopulation programs forged by the Rockefeller foundation in association with the Nazis were the basis of modern day incarnations of eugenics like fluoride poisoning and vaccinations. A time comes when silence is betrayal. Genocide that fuels the military industrial complex and advances the fascist government that plagues the US, Canada, The UK and Australia and so on.. There is only one way war will end. Secrecy, lawlessness, and contempt for humanity define US policy. To get simpler, we could just say lie-cheat-steal-kill. The facts are in– terrorism as a mass threat is a hoax. Could the answer be, horror of horrors, that NASA has never been into space—or at least, not far enough from the Earth to get the whole planet in the frame? The actual number was the largest in US history, over 2 million. Former CIA agent John Lear has not only given a sworn statement as an expert witness, but he has also produced conclusive evidence that disproves the official narrative that the towers were destroyed by airplanes that were highjacked and flown by terrorists. It is government, and the elite who control it, that pose the real threat to humanity. It outlines the subjects that need to be discussed, the areas of corruption and areas of government tyranny. Read article, Doctors and pharmaceutical companies make money from it. Covertly, insidiously, mercilessly, a global depopulation agenda has been launched. You are punished if you ask for more… The government gets up to 50% of your paycheck and then 10-20% of that goes to kill people on other parts of the planet…. See the Climateate category here, Copenhagen, fake global warming propaganda, the Trilateral Commission, CFR and one world government. If the people of the world truly understood the deleterious effects of these unseen and unfelt frequencies, they would have abandoned their cell phones and bluetooths decades ago. History will judge when Americans developed the education competence to evolve beyond endless wars. What they call “progressive” is actually designed to weaken and destroy us. Au contraire. “We don’t let individuals make decisions about how the law operates. Read article here, Vaccine TruthNo documents exist proving saftey or effectiveness of any vaccine. The site of the secretive 2013 Bilderberg meeting. People. Watch film here. The Gulf Oil Spill Is a Depopulation Event of Epic Proportions. What it is doing to our health and what you can do to prevent the planned global genocide that the elite is attempting. Read article here. The cancer industry marginalizes safe and effective cures while promoting their patented, expensive, and toxic remedies whose risks far exceed any benefit. Red Cross has been there on the front lines collecting blood from war carnage, and we donate to them openly, the Queen and the rest of the reptile blood line that have been running our world for thousands of years must be exposed and stopped. A Storyville documentary. The idea that virtually everything is fake can be empowering rather than depressing. Watch film here. Read article here. Cell phones, Smart meters, Wifi, Cell towers and their connection to chemtrails. Commodities. ‘In a United States Department of Defense transcript from April, 28th 1997, then Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, shocked the public by admitting that weaponized weather has been created through the use of “electromagnetic waves.” The Weather Modification Association has admitted that governments have been altering the weather since at least 1950. Planned Surveillance and Control by Global Technocrats: A Big-Picture Look at the Current Pandemic Beneficia ries | a peer-reviewed article by Children’s Health Defense, Fashion Mogul Peter Nygård Arrested in Canada on Sex Trafficking Charges. When you look at each way they are killing us daily, many feel there is no larger agenda. Are you prepared to drink the kool aid? The Boston bombing provided the opportunity for the government to turn what should have been a police investigation into a military-style occupation of an American city. This new order constitutes the socializing of risk. The latest version was overwhelmingly approved by the House Armed Services Committee on May 8 and introduced the following week. None were present, of course, but international war crime trials do not require the presence of the accused. The Association des Officiers De Réserve (Association of Army Reserve Officers) spent 50 days investigating issues related to the 2020 “pandemic”. Anytime you have entire nations so mesmerized by political theater and public spectacle that they are oblivious to all else, you’d better beware. See also this article on Europe rising up here, Marijuana Prohibition Is The Cornerstone Of The Police State, The simple truth about America’s marijuana prohibition: any law that allows the easy incarceration of any citizen any time those in power want to do it is the ultimate enemy of democracy. Truth11 Films 11th film discusses EHS ElectroHyper-Sensitivity and the growing issue of wireless pollution from WiFi and Cellular sources. The Rise Of The 99%. How could explosives have been correctly placed on such short notice inside a burning building that had already been evacuated – unless the explosives were already in place? He did so to reveal vital truths. HAARP is designed to shoot these energy beams 200 kilometers up into the sky; affecting an area known as earth’s ionosphere. This can have a dramatic impact on one’s life, with some electro-sensitive people giving up their career, their home, social networks and sometimes even their family because it is difficult to live in, our modern environment that is now filled with electrical pollution and microwave radiation. With All The Extreme Government Corruption, Why Are People Still Supporting The System With Money? Read article here, The 9/11 attacks have directly led to a dangerous interventionist US foreign policy based on preemptive military action that has transcended administrations and political paradigms. Most of these technologies begin with military applications, and only after a period of use by the military or black operations are they unveiled to the general public. Not anarchy, that is where individuals rule themselves without concern for others. Lots of articles and books on this subject that may or may not face us all. Will you be subject to detention when martial law is imposed during a major national emergency? Read article here. Two disturbing developments have occurred in the last couple of days that have gone relatively unnoticed. Fascist police violating rights. Like the Great Depression, the even Greater Depression now on the horizon was scientifically created. On October 24, it became effective. They have NOTHING TO GAIN, and much to lose, including their careers, and possibly even their lives. is an alternative media news site that is dedicated to the truth + true journalism. He’s commodifying education. The injustice is literal: US government policies with war and economics are in Orwellian violation of basic laws. As we approach the 100 year anniversary of the creation of the Fed, it is absolutely imperative that we get the American people to understand that the Fed is at the very heart of our economic problems. Patients basically live in a permanent state of disease until their death. Others simply hear what he says and base their opininon on that. One reason is that they are disunited and at one another’s throats and, thus, cannot stand up the tyranny issuing from Washington. Place: Candidate: Votes: Percentage: Alderman, Place 3: Rod Schaffner : 661: 57.83% : Gina Valenti | Read article here, Governments are the great mass-murderers of our world, Throughout human history, more human beings have been maimed, tortured and murdered by governments than by any other type of organization on the planet. See film Here, As Americans mindlessly celebrate another Memorial Day with cookouts, beer and burgers, the U.S. war machine keeps churning. The enemy is within the US government. ‘The Collective Evolution’ is a documentary aimed at showing the current state of the world, why it needs to be changed, and how each and every one of us can play a role in changing it. War is used as a continuous “foreign policy,” with the US in present egregious and unlawful abuse of their superpower status. There is a list that contains the names of at least 8 million Americans known as Main Core that the U.S. intelligence community has been compiling since the 1980s. Ron Paul – Forced lockdown of a city. (and many others). (The becquerel is a unit of radioactivity. In the 1930s, an outstanding Major General of the Marine Corps, Smedley Butler, went public with information that he was approached by powerful industrialists to be involved in a plot to overthrow the United States government. This site does not make money at all. In June Toronto will be on lockdown with rights and liberties severely restricted. Whether you call it mass suicide, suicide-murder or simply mass murder probably depends on how much you already know. Its time to wake up. Our foreign policy during the last eleven years can be summed up in one military term, SNAFU – Situation Normal All Fucked Up. The only thing that will prevent the Communists from stealing this election is the Rule of Law based on Truth. Read more here, We are as a planet mostly all aware that 9/11 was a controlled demolition that resulted in 3 buildings collapse. The way you know is that no explanation is permitted other than the official explanation. These are a must see in this time where the new world order agenda is in as they call it “Warp Speed” mode. The Pentagon, the oil industry, banking elite, and the pharmaceutical industry suppress inventions including free-energy and anti-gravity technology to maintain power. The film also exposes how Dr. William Marcus, a now-retired senior scientist at the EPA, was targeted and fired for leaking critical information back in the 1990s about the many dangers of fluoride, none of which were being publicly shared in accordance with the EPA’s mission and purpose. COV “ID”-1984 Global PsyopThe New World Order Plandemic. The “law and order” conservatives and the “compassionate” liberals stand silent while police psychopaths brutalize children and grandmothers, murder double amputees in wheel chairs, break into the wrong homes, murder the family dogs, and terrify the occupants, pointing their automatic assault weapons in the faces of small children. Libya in 1 here, truth11 Films 5th short film: we have invented yet! S defense is prohibited cell phone Paradise lost ( cult documentary ) PREV video next video more.. Political resistance toxins into the atmosphere out by the privately-owned Federal Reserve media what... 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