However, all the sources agree that ATR promotes the fear of many spirits with god-like powers. More importantly, the local altar-shrine was transformed into the mosque in such a way that the physical configuration represented a qualitative leap into verticality. Mecca is the headquarter of this eastern satanic religion. the first place via the trade routes from the Arab countries and North Africa. Traditional African religion, aside from With the Arabic language Islam has been able to fill a gap. Colonialism facilitated the growth of Islam in areas of Africa as far apart as Tanzania (Tanganyika) in East Africa and Senegal in West Africa through the activities of Muslim brotherhoods (Sufi orders), traders, and others. MESSENGERS IN ISLAM A. The actual When we speak of African Traditional Religion, we mean the indigenous religious beliefs and practices of the Africans. In The History of Islam in Africa. that it offers an overall framework of security in an often very hostile environment, For instance, the Yoruba women of southwestern Nigeria continued to be market women even after the coming of Islam whereas their Hausa counterparts in northern Nigeria tended to lead more secluded lives. This may explain the fact that while there are a number of studies that trace Arabic loanwords in various African languages, fewer comparable studies, if any, have been undertaken to study, say, the influence of Swahili on the Arabic dialects spoken in Oman or south Yemen (Hadhramaut). expression of more abstract realities or more developed reflections. During Muhammad's lifetime a group of Muslims escaped Meccan persec…, The expansion of Islam historically embraces two phenomena. Many African peoples, some scarcely touched by Islam, have borrowed a … Scholars, however, need comparative data across a number of African societies to make a meaningful comparison. . I toyed with the idea of calling this short piece, “Commonalities between Christianity and African Traditional Religion.” In reality, there are no commonalities between religions. Thus, as Labelle Prussin notes, the single, towering pyramidal earthen cone became the mihrab (it also served as a minaret) with its system of projecting wooden pickets extending out of this massive structure. The Islam beliefs are slightly similar … interior assent to a new religious message. Points of Contrast between African Traditional Religion and Christianity God. who shared the same life, spoke the same language, lived in the same cultural world Similarities between ATR and all other false religions. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, cannot guarantee each citation it generates. (Some sources do claim that ATR reveres one god at the top of all the other gods. Nevertheless, they did not completely renounce ties with the African traditional religion, which continued to be the religion of many of their subjects. Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World. : University Press of America, 1986. entirely. The African They use the text (scripture) as their framework whereas the secular activists' frame of reference is based on certain abstract concepts such as egalitarianism, humanism, human rights, and pluralism, concepts that have emerged from Western discourses on the subject. Gaining access to the Muslim community has traditional African religion has also had an effect at the cultural level. The appearance of new epidemic diseases such as smallpox and cholera, which arose in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in hinterland East Africa (and which the local people could not adequately deal with), led the people to turn increasingly to the Muslim healing system. In the linguistic dimension it is often assumed that when Arabic and an African language such as Swahili, Berber, Hausa, Fulani, Harari, Somali, and others come into contact the latter will invariably be influenced by the former. Harrow, Kenneth, ed. Mysticism in particular has opened the room for the acceptance of female authority (for instance, Sokna Magat Diop of the Murids) or religious leadership located within the female realm. Islam, an Afro-Asiatic faith, has long been known to be a religion of great synthesis that has interacted with local cultures, enriching them and being enriched by them. It extends to commercial and criminal law and also has rules regarding the conduct of political leaders or those entrusted with authority. Nevertheless, there is an unstated assumption that these languages have borrowed from Arabic rather passively without contributing anything back. For some women these changes have generated new freedom and opportunities for self-improvement. The difficulties of a new life under the colonial system, which uprooted the African from his traditional universe, presented Islam with an opportunity to provide a new framework as meaningful and all-embracing as the old African one. By comparison, the public is even more likely to see differences rather than similarities between their own religion and Mormonism, Islam, Buddhism or Hinduism. of external factors and in the overwhelming majority of cases without any violence. First you must understand that Africa is a continent with with most diverse group of people in the World. linked to the ancestral soil and places each African both in the succession of the Many of its adherents convert to Christianity or Islam. African traditional religion is often regarded to have influenced African Islam and vice versa. its traditional African form, is entirely a part of the African cultural heritage and thus could cite a whole series of factors that show a degree of cultural and sociological God does not intervene in the day-to-day affairs of life. Nevertheless, where Islam was introduced and its values incorporated in the socioeconomic and political structures of these societies (especially those with a propensity for state/empire building) a hierarchical social organization resulted in which there were clear demarcations of male and female spheres of activity. rooted in Islamic identity in opposition to what has been perceived as Western cultural domination. Instead of God keeping his distance from man, He, throughout history and today reaches down in love to draw humans toward him. It is not preached to them that their religion is correct; it is simply assumed and unthought-of. These orders have incorporated women in both East and West Africa, especially in the area of education, fund raising, and the like, although women have a much larger scope in Senegal than in Nigeria in leadership of brotherhoods. It is significant to note that the Mahdiyya movement, which was established in 1941 in Ijebul-Ode in southern Nigeria by the southern Muslim scholar, Muhammad Jumat Imam, emphasized the education of women, their attendance of mosques together with men, and their inclusion in public affairs (hence no Qur˒anic basis for the practice of purdah, or female seclusion. Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World. In certain cases, as Prussin and Rene Bravmann have observed, some of the mosques that were built in Mali had mihrabs that evoked the image of an African mask (which traditionally represents powerful forces). generations (the ancestors), in his relationship with his fellow creatures and in his Yet, despite Muslim efforts to purge African elements from their faith, their religion continued to display a level of "Africanness" that revealed the indigenization of Islam in these regions of West Africa. Both East and West Africa Islamic-type designs were also emulated and led to the adoption of arabesque wall patterning instead But at the same time there are other As a matter of fact, there are not many atheists in the country. Islam in Africa therefore was primarily an urban religion (with an urban ethos) that fostered commitment to its religious system ranging from ethnic self-identity to Islamic self-identity, universal and transethnic in scope. than (those) in the west mean by the term «religion». One must conclude that Islam, in It was preceded in most cases by a long period of of reformers came. The traditional African religions (or traditional beliefs and practices of African people) are a set of highly diverse beliefs that include various ethnic religions.. Generally, these traditions are oral rather than scriptural, include belief in a supreme creator, belief in spirits, veneration of the dead, use of magic and traditional African medicine. This means that when the symbols of the ethnic group are challenged by a new system, recombination of old and new forms may appear to reorganize the group and to compensate for any loss. Chande, Abdin. "African Culture and Islam Again African Traditional is a little different because it is a natural religion. The understanding of God normally needs some refining when one comes from African Traditional Religion to be a Christian. An occultic religion that promotes jihad ( Suicide bombing ), all sorts of rituals, Idolatry (worship of black stone, and quarter moon ), polygamy and polyandry. There has been a wide variety of responses to the dilemma of how much scope to give to religious laws. encompassing every human situation and governing the whole of society. The roles of men and women are constantly changing due to urbanization, education, and cross-cultural contacts. Gilland, Dean S. African Religion Meets Islam: Religious Change in Northern Nigeria. In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. This is rather unlikely as African indigenous cultures have demonstrated much resilience even as their followers enter the fold of either Islam or Christianity (Ali Mazrui's triple heritage) and the African ancestors are poised to raise their heads once again in the synthetic and syncretic religious universe. solidarities without changing the laws and habits of life of the group. In West Africa, for instance, Islam was introduced from North Africa by the Berbers through the trans-Saharan trade as early as the ninth century. Did Islam introduce patriarchy in Africa? ." Are African religious traditions destined to die out as socioeconomic changes (not to mention the colonial experience) have disrupted the cultural nexus in which these traditions have thrived? Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1987. More specifically, becoming a Muslim and joining this universal umma involves offering prayers in a mosque frequented by members of other ethnic groups, adoption of Muslim behavior patterns and dress code in some cases, and using a certain language (e.g., for quite a long time Kiswahili in the case of East Africa). In many regions of Africa Islam has For the major…, African Burrowing Snakes: Atractaspididae, African Burrowing Snakes (Atractaspididae), African Americans' Dress During the Civil Rights Movement, African Laughter: Four Visits to Zimbabwe, Hosted by Rafeek Hassen focusing on common ground between religions. It is clear though that underlying the conflict between them are struggles for power and control of the Muslim community by these competing groups. Islamic Talismanic Tradition in Nineteenth Century Asante. This paper focuses on the conicts between African Traditional Religion and Christianity. Christians call it God, Muslims Allah, Hindus Brahma, and African Traditional Religions (ATRs) had a variety of names for this entity. The majority of Africans are adherents of Christianity or Islam. generation or two later. Horn and Crescent. Moreover, the Qadiriyya order accepted the female leadership of Shaykha Binti Mtumwa (a former slave or person of low status) who founded a branch of the order in Malawi and was successful in attracting many women. The long cohabitation of Islam with The Kano Chronicle, a record of Hausa kings of sixteenth or seventeenth century inspiration first written down in the nineteenth century whose sources were largely oral, brings out clearly the struggle between the two religious systems, the Islamic and the traditional one, after the symbolic tree is cut down and a mosque built in its place. The practice of curing illnesses attributed to occult forces provided an opportunity for the Muslim healing system to flourish and allowed for the services of Muslim healers/holy men (who provided additional healing choices to local practitioners) to be in high demand. The Arabs, by their own tradition, recognize African ancestry through Ishmael's mother Haggar, who was Egyptian. by Richard Chowning. Pouwels, Randall. Will they creatively synthesize from the values of their common Islamic heritage while acknowledging the entanglements and creative encounters between and within cultures? These languages have absorbed the Islamic worldview (though at some level languages such as Swahili have been progressively secularized over time during and after the colonial period, making them more neutral). More specifically, what has been the role of Islam with respect to the status of women in the regions of Africa where Islam has been introduced? In African traditional religion, worship was done through the ancestors and spirits while in Christianity worship is done to God through the Holy Spirit. simple, in the sense of one dealing solely with the relationship of man to the Spiritual. the ritual prayer. The ends of these wooden pickets served as a scaffold for workers to climb and repair the walls. Muslim prayers and amulets were more popular than Muslim secular remedies in this atmosphere of suspicion (which took the form of sorcery and witchcraft accusations). In Christianity there is a spiritual book for worship-the Bible while in African traditional religion there's no spiritual … This, for instance, happened with Amadou Bamba's Murid brotherhood in Senegal, which converted thousands of people whose earthly kingdoms had been destroyed by colonialism. It has impacted on African society in various ways for almost a into the other. There are many reasons why I ascribe to my traditional African religion or customs; the most obvious reason being the association of Christianity with colonisation and the impact it has had on African mentality. Religions are experiential and the unique heritage of people living in community. Monotheism . Therefore, it’s best to use citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publication’s requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: African Religion and its Influence on Christianity and Islam Traditional African religion has been the basis of spirituality for the people of Africa. Islam, which for many centuries coexisted well with traditional African religion, gradually over time attempted to replace it as the dominant faith of some regions without major clashes. The religion therefore entered much of Africa peacefully through the agency of trade and later gained status after the migrant community (purveyors of the written word and the visual symbols of Islam) was integrated into the political setup before finally the ruling elite embraced the faith and appropriated its symbols for political purposes. Islam had clearly filtered through Asante politicoreligious structure such that both in terms of ideas and in the realm of the arts it provided a medium through which the ideology of the Asante was communicated. The religion that God set forth for Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and muḤammad proclaimed by the latter in Arabia in the 7th century, which enjoys the…, Pan-Islam Owusu-Ansah, David. New prescriptions In The History of Islam in Africa. Seen from the outside, constraint and fear It is, of course, undeniable that as a result of contact with Arabic these languages (which are related in their ethos to Arabic) have absorbed many Arabic loanwords. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. 4.3 The Similarities and Differences in the Notion of God in Christianity and African Traditional Religion 38 Fashole-Luke was very correct when he showed how Robertson Smith notes very importantly that there is always interconnectedness of religions since no religion began on a “clean sheet” as such, without link or resemblance in form or substance with other religions. Many African peoples, some scarcely touched by Islamic influence is, in fact, revealed both at the explicit and suggestive levels in languages as different as the Berber dialects, Hausa, Swahili, and Somali to name just a few. How else would one explain the continued presence of, for instance, the bori cult in northern Nigeria? Yet for some educated young African Muslims who are discomfited by magical practices, saint veneration, hierarchy, and the authoritarianism of some Sufi orders, the Salafi message has seemed attractive. On the contrary, many Christians derive rich spirituality from African religion. and prohibitions replace the old ones, without the need to try and understand their deeper Similarities between Christianity and Africa Traditional Religion African Religion and Beliefs by Richard Chowning I toyed with the idea of calling this short piece, "Commonalities between Christianity and African Traditional Religion." Islam is currently the fastest-growing religion in the world. That being said, among those who are considered religious, African people are deemed to be more religious than anyone else. Lanham, Md. Sufism, far from being a predominantly rural phenomenon that would fade away as Muslim societies became increasingly modernized, has continued to thrive and to engage African Muslims of the urban centers as well. Some obvious areas of difference included, for instance, Islamic emphasis on individual ownership of land (and property inheritance through the male side of the family) whereas in various African societies land belonged to the community. Islam is taught that Al Illa is the only God. Apar…, This article describes and discusses some aspects of the material culture of Islam to underscore and appreciate the diversities of Islamic societies…, The term dar al-islam, which literally means "the house or abode of Islam," came to signify Islamic territory in juridical discussions. where only the survival of the group ultimately counts. (January 12, 2021). It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. African Religion and its Influence on Christianity and Islam Traditional African religion has been the basis of spirituality for the people of Africa. In this way a balance was established between local ritual prescriptions and those of universal Islam. so intermingled are the two socio-religious universes. Muslim religion is equivalent to the rejection of all their family and tribal traditions, replace the healers, the fetishists and the other members of the secret societies without Many African societies were patriarchal (polygamous as well) even before their encounter with Islam. Recognition of Islamic laws in many African states after independence has created tensions and political controversy especially when the secular elites have sought to forge a uniform system of law or at least have attempted to modify Muslim personal law (in aspects such as marriage for girls) to bring it in line with the inherited Western law and African customary practices. Ancestor This baraka (blessing power that heals) was passed on in families and explains why the scholarly Sufi lineages of the Sahara have played a pivotal role in mediating Islam between North and West Africa. Animal Sacrifice in Islam Athens: Ohio University Press, 2000. While the influence of the tariqa (Sufi orders) has been undermined to some extent in some parts of Africa such as Tanzania, the commitment to Sufistic engagement with faith nevertheless continues to be strong in West Africa and especially in Senegal, although even there it is facing the challenge of the Salafi reformers. These religions believe this power is all-powerful, omnipresent, and omniscient. Muslims have always maintained quite close links with the Arab world, from which a number In fact, the ancestral beliefs have been recombined with Muslim practice to form a new "folk" religion with emphasis on, say, saint veneration (which popular Islam and Sufism reinforce) that approximates local ancestor veneration. There, women tend to follow the traditional cults even with the sustained impact of Islam in Hausaland for centuries, including producing such well-known major religious Fulani reformers of the nineteenth century such as The cross-cultural trade in many parts of Africa, apart from reinforcing cultural self-identity and nurturing religious commitment, fostered a pluralist structure in which commerce, Islam, and the indigenous system supported the urban network. flexibility and patience over the centuries. Therefore, both possession cults and Sufi brotherhoods have allowed women to establish a sphere of action in hierarchical societies where control of the state is a male domain. Moreover, while the Islamic prescriptions replaced the indigenous ones, in matters of worship, however, the Muslim ritual prayer did not completely dislodge the traditional rituals of seeking to appease the ancestors. The observance of Islamic duties along with the understanding of the faith were supposed to follow later. The ancestral conical structure pillar (the Voltaic tradition) was now redirected to a new focal center, that of Mecca. Thus A new solidarity within the Muslim community replaces the village and tribal The regular fulfilment of the other Athens: Ohio University Press, 2000. Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann, 1991. African Traditional Religions share with Christianity the belief in God or Supreme Being who is omnipotent, omnipresent, all-knowing, and ,most importantly, good. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1986. language Islam has been able to fill a gap. For the uprooted African who joined the faith, the Muslim supra-ethnic umma provided a solidarity and a sense of belonging not very different from that of the African village/ethnic one. 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