Many first year college students face problems as they enter a new educational environment that is very different than that of high school. Problems of students Essay Sample. Structure and rules at home may seem foreign now. They are more concerned with such issues instead of studying which hampers their performance. Each issue will present two main ideas with an example. Students can become very over whelmed their first year of college. In addition it will further elaborate on these issues that first year students face and the reasons why this has become an obstacle for them. Not all students have that kind of money to spend therefore this leads to a financial problem.Another major challenge that first year students face is cultural problems. While there are endless college problems that every student will understand, here are the top 50 that the majority of us have had to deal with, or currently are. Not only does Stress overload today's college students, but it is also the leading cause of personality disorders. "College students possess characteristics that change as they progress through their years at a university. First year college students have to deal with the wide range of challenges. While time spent at college is a fond memory and a happy experience for most, the student life is not without its rough patches. Some may develop pain in the abdomen, headache, muscle tightness or pain. Stress is a reaction to any event or thought, which produces a feeling of frustration, anger or nervousness (Medline Plus, 2012). While time spent at college is a fond memory and a happy experience for most, college life is not without its rough patches and problems. This is an outstanding version of essay. Find some time in your busy schedule between writing your essays and parties with friends and cook something for yourself. They do anything they want and when it suits them. More importantly they should face these challenges and surpass them. All first year students react differently to moving to a new place. Be creative-it is possible to have fun without spending a lot of money! In doing so there are challenges that accompany this. Many students have different problems that make them decide between crosswords whether to stick to education or go a different route in life. Attending school events, starting up conversations, even asking about a home work assignment can be a great way to meet new people. This is a new environment that calls for new beginnings for all the freshmen. Firstly, it will consider different studying strategies compared to high school. This was a two-year college; hence it was plausible to consider a four-year college in order to obtain reliable deductions. When entering university for the first time, new friends are made. Most students experience a new level of independence while away at college. According to Tinto’s theory, social adjustment involves the process of integration. Problem is, it’s not entirely true. According to the National Health Ministries (2006), stress is caused by “greater academic demands,” the feeling of, many students nowadays find themselves needing to complete some form of higher education at college to ensure their success in the workplace and their future career goals. Whereas about 7,000 students drop out every day. I have experienced some good things and some others that have not been that good, but probably that is part of college and being away from home. In the world today the prices of things fluctuate from time to time and never does it remain the same. In small and manageable amounts, stress is normal as it helps get things done. College students, regardless of year in school, often deal with pressures related to finding a job or a potential life partner. Most first-generation students decide to apply to college to A further major challenge that first year students are confronted by is financial matters. Three main causes why college students experience stress is because of academic stress, social, The Stress of the First Year of College Essay. There is a price for everything and pursuing higher education considerably involves a large sum of money. The social adjustment is more the engagement with campus social activity of any college student. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. It is only wise that one chooses their friends wisely. In an ever-changing and more competitive environment, the demanding expectations on college students now soar at unprecedented heights, creating stressful and unpleasant experiences for, COLLEGE ADJUSTMENT These stressors do not cause anxiety or tension, College Students and Stress However, the common problem is that many first year students become stressed. There are many causes and effects due to the amount of stress college students go through daily. First year students are faced with various social challenges. First year students enter a new social realm as they begin their studies. If these issues are not looked at intently the consequences will have a severe impact on the student’s life and academic performance. Some students are excited about university life and what it has to offer while others become frustrated because they find it difficult to adjust to the surroundings. This essay will examine the challenges and hardships that first year student’s encounter at university. One must be wise in knowing how to deal with these challenges. When you first start college you may be overwhelmed by the newness of it. For example some first year students loiter around avoiding lectures and tutorials thus coming to school with different intensions.The only way one can improve on time management is by creating a time table that would keep one focused. For many students, the first year at college is an important step in their life passages. These Items were combined and being a good college student essay. Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. Essay on Stress in College: What Causes it and How to Combat it 2513 Words | 11 Pages. He needs to finish this English essay so he can move on to work regarding the speech outline that is due later in the evening. College students, especially freshmen, are a group particularly prone to stress (D'Zurilla & Sheedy, 1991) due to the transitional nature of college life (Towbes & Cohen, 1996). New-Admits or Transferred Students think about how they will handle the school environment with other students and teachers. For example; smoking, relationships, sexual activity and the use and abuse of alcohol and drugs. (De Larrosa, 2000) Social ineptitude and the personal challenges to overcome it. For example universities charge one thousand to ten thousand a year sometimes even more depending on the course one takes. For many students, college is supposed to be the most fun time of their life; however, their fun can be restricted if it is limited by stress and other mental illnesses. Time Management involves doing the right thing at the right time. I know this because I've been a college student for about 3 months and experience stress almost every day. College Research Essay]:: 6 Works Cited : 1821. However it is important that these problems are identified and surpassed. There are many causes and effects due to the amount of stress college students go through daily. In addition to that, he also has two tests the next day that require a few hours of review each. Going Back to College: Students Tell of Struggle, Success Taking the First Step “ Being a nontraditional student has been an experience that I have enjoyed. If tuition is a problem, visit your campus career center for help. For example; students have the liberty to choose to attend lectures and tutorials or not. I found out being prepared has its likes and dislikes. Physical effects of stress on a first year student A student, upon entry into a college, faces transition into a new environment, a change that may induce a significant level of stress due to anxiety and fear of the unknown (Info, p. 1). The successful integration into college life depends on the ability of the student to make transition into the new role of a college student. As I first enrolled as a freshman, I knew what writing a basic essay entailed, I was an average student at best. Why does that happen? The essay is easy and simple. Many studies have confirmed that the majority of those who drop-out from or fail higher education (HE) courses do so in their first year (Bourner et al 1991, MacDonald 1992, Woodley et al 1992, Benn 1995) and as a result, the first year has been referred to, without overstatement, as a 'make or break' year. Preventing Stress in First-Year College Students that give into peer pressure are the ones that are most vulnerable to not succeeding in their academic life. Get access to this section to get all the help you need with your essay and educational goals. This disquisition will conclude that these challenges should be taken into serious consideration as it involves ones future. The challenges encountered by first year students and will be discussed in this essay are in terms of economic, cultural and social issues. Some other students are trying to familiarise themselves with the new surroundings. Three main causes why college students experience stress is because of academic, laborers, many students nowadays find themselves needing to complete some form of higher education at college to ensure their success in the workplace and their future career goals. I knew how to create and structure sentences when writing an essay. The Earth is surrounded by a covering of air which we call the atmosphere. Here’s my experience on time management, financial, academic, also social life stress. Time Management involves doing the right thing at the right time. According to Ching, the research was done in Bunker Hill community college (45). One of the major hardships that first year students face is economic problems.One of the economic problems is time management. He’s frantically working on an essay that he has already spent days writing. A further challenge that first year students are bombarded with is the environment. Essay about Challenges Faced by First Year University Students. Everyone's situation is unique, but there are a few problems that almost all college students deal with at least once during their time at school. Transition To College Essay. The foreign exchange students may encounter difficulties in adjusting to the change in weather. Fsc, FA, ICS part 2 students can learn this essay for quotations by Zahid notes The problems that will be discussed in this essay is in terms of economic, cultural and social issues. Many students have different problems that make them have to decide whether to stick to education or go a different route in life. Issues Related to Relationships; This type of challenges is one of the most common problems faced by college students. Entertaining the wrong company may lead to peer pressure. What are these issues that affect first year students? However many first year students encounter difficulties in organising themselves to do individual studies as they easily give into distractions. Fortunately, many restaurants, movie theaters, and museums offer student discounts. Social Problems Affecting Students. This paper seeks to discuss physical effects of stress on a first year student. These challenges can be divided into groups of which three are making adjustments, security and being lost. I know this because I've been a college student for about 3 months and experience stress almost every day. Anticipating first year students to have challenges on joining the University for the first time in their life . The sudden switch in school fees may have a great impact on the first year students as some students are so familiar with paying not more than three hundred dollars where as the school that they are currently attending requires thousands of dollars. Discovering emotions, feelings, independence, and achievement are part of a college student's transition and exploration in establishing identity and developing characteristics." Unless students take these challenges into consideration these problems could affect their academic performance drastically and have great consequences in the end. Peer pressure is one of the highly influential components on first year students and is unavoidable. 6. For instance, many depressives are, students enroll in college every year. Even the most prepared students find it difficult to cope up with the surprising challenges of the life at University. For many students, increased transportation costs alone eat up most of the savings on housing, and that doesn’t count utilities and other expenses incurred while living off … After ending this first year of college I experienced a lot of things and I will remember most of them for the rest of my life. Each of these subjects require different formatting and of course each teacher had their personal preferences. The challenges encountered by first year students and will be discussed in this essay are in terms of economic, cultural and social issues. In particular first year students are bombarded and affected the most by these issues. First Year Students Essay 789 Words | 4 Pages. That’s a common refrain from first-year students excited by the prospect of living on their own. When your student returns home after having been at Duke, you may notice some changes. “As a first year university student I found it difficult to write my first few papers for English, History, Anatomy, and Physiology. Home — Essay Samples — Education — College Education — Ten Common Problems Students Face in College This essay has been submitted by a student. For example first year students are in shock about the new environment, meeting new people, learning the language and the ways of a new country or island.It is important to remember that culture shock is a learning process for all first year students. But keep these common mistakes in mind as you go through your first year to make sure that you are properly setup for the rest of your college career and your life thereafter. Today's students are burdened with loads to study. One of the social problems encountered is freedom.At university level students tend to have a lot of freedom. They must adjust to being away from home for the first time, maintain a high level of academic achievement, and adjust to a new social environment. One-third of students who are entering either a 2 or 4-year university are first-generation students (Cardoza). Today a college education can overload students with too many stressful situations. This essay will examine the proposition of the problems faced by first year students at any university. Many at times, these freshmen tend to be isolated from the rest of the students because they are homesick. Others may have a faster heart rate, skipped heartbeats, rapid breathing, sweating, Many first year college students face problems as they enter a new educational environment that is very different than that of high school. However, there are several erratic dapples in the first year journey of University. Many first year students participate in peer pressure because they think its cool and they want to fit in but a confident student that has a purpose in life will not bow down to peer pressure.Therefore, to conclude when entering university first year students will face challenges and obstacles. Knowing how to read and understand was not a problem as I had acquired the relevant skills in terms of reading and fathoming back in high school. Whereas about 7,000 students drop out every day. First - year students have to … ...full of hardships. 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Running Head: A GROWING PLAGUE This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. This study anchored mainly on Tinto’s theoretical model of student attrition and persistence, which emphasized the significance of social adjustment among freshmen college students (Townsend-Green, 2009). Why does this happen? Another major challenge is peer pressure. A random survey was appropriate for the research given the constraint of time. A young college student sits at a mundane wooden desk. As first-generation high school graduates prepare to step into higher education, they struggle to transition to the college atmosphere since there are many external and internal forces working against them that they must face. He never pictured college to be a cakewalk but never did he imagine it would take, . In her essay, Cathy Bell explains that major depressive disorder strikes 5-12% of men and 10-20% of women; half of these people will have more than one occurrence and 15% of them will commit suicide ("Depression for the young"). Firstly, it will consider different studying strategies compared to high school. Good college essay examples are provided here for free. We know that sometimes it's hard to find inspiration, so we provide you with hundreds of related samples. One of these challenges will be attempting to manage a level of cultural and social diversity which may differ from what they are familiar with in their communities. For example buildings, facilities, climate change and landscape. The reaction is not the same for all. Money: Everyone knows that the average college student is on a tight budget. Nevertheless, despite of the expected challenges, it is hardly possible to avoid social and academic integration challenges, department from families and control of parents, and opportunity to have fun while forgetting about the importance of studying. Problems Faced by the Students. Although freshmen students often enter college with high expectations and ambitions, many eventually drop out of college. Many student should have no problem making new friends their first year of college. One of the major hardships that first year students face is economic problems.One of the economic problems is time management. There is a host of problems that bedevils the students when they join the university or college for the first time. First year students should not take these challenges lightly. Although freshmen students often enter college with high expectations and ambitions, many eventually drop out of college. There are several inside and outside issues determining the successful college experience such as: student’s commitment, experience at… According to Brooks & Dubois 1995, sense of isolation (condition of being alone and unhappy) is one of the major problems faced by the students. One of the cultural problems faced by first year students is culture shock. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Violanti of McDaniel shares that most colleges have resources in place to support students as they deal with the stress of the first year. First - year students at university face a lot of challenges. Moral and Physical Courage in To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Essay on Basic Concepts of Human Interaction, Fifth Business - Character Foils Of Dunstan Ramsay And Percy. Whether you are a student experiencing the campus environment for the first time or going back to the campus life after spending the vacation at home, there will be a period of adjustment, more so in the first scenario. It is wise that one restricts oneself from having too much freedom or it may have a negative effect on their lives or academic performances. Introduction and Background You can also unite with your neighbors and do this together (you'll cook dinner faster). Managing time effortlessly can make the difference between a successful student and one who is defeated by stress. Have you ever been in a situation where school can be stressful in many different aspects? Many people desire to acquire advanced education at a university. In addition another major challenge faced by first year students is social problems. First year students in particular tend to misuse the time that is given. Showing you what it is like entering the first year of college. This essay will examine the proposition of the problems faced by first year students at any university. “Resources may include first-year experience offices, counseling and health services, residence life offices, student engagement offices, campus safety, and many more,” she says. Here is an essay on my first day at college for 2nd year, 1st year students . Be sure to have a conversation before the first visit, or shortly after the visit begins. Not all students can afford to pay the tuition of the program or course they wish to undertake and the course materials that is needed.The price change of fees may have an effect on first year students in particular. The challenges first year college students’ face as seen in FanGirl, and from research done by college and university professors and psychologists. Many students are anxious to meet new people, and to make new friends. The more different the new culture is from theirs own the greater the shock. We will write a custom essay specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn more The present paper is devoted to the study of a case of schizophrenia, which manifested in a 39-year-old woman Angela during her first year at college in the form … Secondly, it will discuss the pressure on students especially on first year students to pass the coursework. More first generation college students enroll in state universities and colleges since most parents choose to send their children to public and/or state universities and, Stress and Learning: The Effects of Stress on First Year Students In a demanding and ever-changing environment, the expectations for college students now soar to unprecedented heights, creating stressful and unpleasant experiences for many students, enroll in college every year. Life and academic performance higher education considerably involves a large sum of money people, and from done! 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