Thus quite naturally, though not without surprise, France finds herself on a level of equality in this international assembly by sheer virtue of her historic position--her centuries of culture, her hundred and thirty years of democratic tradition, her chivalry toward weak nations and her humanity toward the non-white races. Signature of the Treaty of Versailles. The League is in no danger from Europe. Instead, Japan left the League. The treaty was a compromise that included demands for German reparations, provisions for the League of Nations, and the promise of collective security. Subscribe for articles, app access, audio, our subscriber-only newsletter, and more. By giving too much satisfaction to national desires, they said, these clauses had left Europe bristling with frontiers and tariff walls and had left the instruments of production--which had been created by great peoples who understood how to use them--in the hands of little peoples without experience. The League of Nations, 1920 The League of Nations was an international organization, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, created after the First World War to provide a forum for resolving international disputes.Though first proposed by President Woodrow Wilson as part of his Fourteen Points plan for an equitable peace in Europe, the United States never became a member. A land with a low birth-rate, busy repairing by immigration the gaps which war created among her producing population; a land which has not yet effaced from her soil the traces of invasion; which though formerly the world's creditor is today, as a result of the war, heavily burdened with internal and external debt; which is confronted with the enormous task of meeting continental, maritime, and colonial obligations; which is temptingly exposed to the covetousness of her neighbors, though herself desiring no new territory; which knows by experience that disturbances anywhere in the world will have repercussions on the Rhine (for the World War, though it did not come after Mukden and Liaoyang or after the Agadir crisis, did finally begin in the Balkans); which is aware that she saved the world from the surprise German attack, but is quite aware, too, that, having held out long enough for the public opinion and the armies of Great Britain and the United States to mobilize, she was herself saved in turn by her allies and associates,--what is it that such a country needs? And what would be the position of England in a League of European Nations? Major powers like France and Britain were reluctant to enforce sanctions. What are we to think, in view of this, of the predictions of those realists who averred that too close an adhesion by France to the League would cost her an English alliance? The League banned weapons sales, and put sanctions on rubber and metal. If this were so she would be faithless to her past, for during the last century and a half--by the example of her own revolutions, by the tears she shed for the woes of Athens and Warsaw, by the blood she shed in America and Lombardy--France has been the instigator of the greatest political changes that have taken place in Europe, if not in the world. So far as France is concerned, I shall now try to reply to the question. From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Suppose France, believing herself protected by Articles X-XVI of the Covenant, and asking nothing more than rest, relaxation, and peace, were to weaken her vigilance, how rude an awakening might be prepared for her by a guaranty which vanished when danger appeared. As I have tried to show elsewhere,[i] the post-war economic difficulties were due less to political causes for which the new and weak countries were responsible than to economic measures taken by the great nations. This reputedly utopian Covenant proved in practice to be a treasure-house of formulas admirably adapted to European realities. Watch their goals in qualifying now. Germany and Russia were not allowed membership, based on their aggressions during World War I, and the United States chose to not be included in the League due to its change to an isolationist state. Without the victory of the Allies there would have been no Assembly at all; when the war was over, if the Covenant had not been immediately concluded, even before the treaties, it would never have been concluded at all; and without the Covenant the treaties would have been quite different, since certain solutions adopted in them would have been impossible. publishers of Her bonds with Czechoslovakia and Poland fell into line quite naturally with the requirements of the League, being defensive alliances, designed to reduce armaments and quite capable of being registered and published. If France had not placed full confidence in the competence and fairness of the League, she would not have allowed it to take over a government which day by day might hinder the exploitation of the mines and which might by its policy now, or ten years from now, influence the inhabitants of the Saar in their choice between the three possible solutions. Last year the moment Mr. Ramsay MacDonald sensed the feeling of the Assembly he knew that his project of eliminating all idea of security and of special agreements from his plan of reducing armaments was impracticable. The League has likewise caused uneasiness because one member has presumed, in defining its relations with the government of the empire of which it forms a part, to make use of the specific statute under which it becomes a member of the League, talking about complete legal equality, registration by the League of its treaties with the government already mentioned, and eventual submission to the Council of the League of Nations of any conflict that may arise in the interpretation of these treaties. The covenant establishes the roles of the league: “to promote peace and prevent war”, however the league never outlaws war. Such was the revelation at Geneva, which has been renewed at each Assembly for five years. There in the Hall of the Reformation the words "Little Entente" took on concrete meaning, signifying a force that counts for something and with which one has to count, since room has been made for it on the Council. This bitter experience induced France to seek in the League of Nations a remedy for her unsupported status. The relative importance thus attributed to political and economic factors is one of the chief reasons for the confidence which the League inspires in France. Please enable JavaScript for this site to function properly. Each for himself! Moreover, the refusal of the United States to join the League of Nations has naturally diminished the French fears of Anglo-Saxon preponderance in the Council, the Assembly, and the Secretariat. The decision to take this step was announced in theatrical fashion to 100,000 persons in the Piazza di Venezia in Rome last night. Respect for the League had fallen so far that the Gestapo invaded the home of the League high commissioner in Danzig the night before the war began, and when Britain and France sent in notifications of their declarations of war, they pointedly did not invoke the Covenant of the League of Nations–Part I of the Treaty of Versailles. Her language employed in two-thirds of the speeches delivered at the plenary sessions and in four-fifths of the discussions held by the commissions; and warm sympathy on every side, especially among the Latin Americans and the Slavs--this, of course, without mentioning her neighbors in Spain and Belgium and her allies in the Great War. But if the abandonment of Geneva implies that the place accorded by the Protocol to the idea of security, mid-way between the idea of arbitration and the idea of disarmament, is being neglected, then in European eyes the change would amount to something so radical that Europe could not consent to disarm. The lack of the U.S's support meant that these two state's armies were no where near the scale that the Fascist nations were amassing. A permanent entente between France and England, under the Covenant, is what Geneva needs. It is provided that as soon as the Interallied Commission of Control shall have decided that Germany has provisionally completed all demands, the task of continued surveillance will fall upon the League. Under Article 213 of the Treaty, Germany promises to give every facility for any investigation which the Council of the League of Nations, acting if need be by a majority vote, may consider necessary. The methods and spirit prevailing at Geneva are an added reason. Such a solution of the disarmament problem would be fatal to the League of Nations. First of all, the Saar. Europe is returning to normal production and consumption far more rapidly than the experts expected. League of Nations. FAILURE - the league had been humiliated. The members (listed from earliest joining and alphabetically if they joined on the same day) at this time were Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, the British Empire, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, El Salvador, France, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Italy, Liberia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Persia/Iran, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Siam, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, Luxembourg, Albania, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, the Irish Free State, Ethiopia, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Turkey, Iraq, the Soviet Union, Afghanistan, and Ecuador. If debts contracted for a common cause among allies or associates are commercial debts, then there is no more Covenant, there is no more League of Nations. The temptation for France, then, would naturally be to favor the formation of a League of Nations more strictly European. The Covenant forming the League of Nations was included in the Treaty of Versailles and came into force on 10 January 1920, with the League of Nations being dissolved on 18 April 1946; its assets and responsibilities were transferred to the United Nations. Despite formulating the concept and signing the Covenant, the United States never joined the League of Nations, and some relatively isolated sovereign states in Asia also did not join, including Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Mongolia, Nepal, and Bhutan. If the League had remained a mere idea it is hardly likely that the governments would have gone to the expense of providing for it; but now that it has proved itself capable of undertaking great things in the same spirit in which it has undertaken more modest enterprises it is in a position to demand sacrifices. The Soviet Union only became a member of the League of Nations in 1934, a year after Germany left, and was expelled from the League on 14 December 1939 for aggression against Finland. The Covenant forming the League of Nations was included in the Treaty of Versailles and came into force on 10 January 1920, with the League of Nations being dissolved on 18 April 1946; its assets and responsibilities were transferred to the United Nations. Semi-official flag. The spirit of the Assembly in periods of political crisis--as in the Silesian affair, the question of Austria, the Corfu affair, or the problem of Mosul--or where great general problems are under discussion, such as the Protocol, the repatriation of Russian refugees, the exchange of Greek and Turkish populations, or the fight against pestilence and sickness--is a source of great encouragement to a country like France which has been saved as if by a miracle so often during past centuries that she has come quite naturally to believe in moral force, in spiritual values. By June 1919, the final version of the treaty was signed and President Wilson was able to return home. At this time, only Costa Rica (22 January 1925), Brazil (14 June 1926), Japan (27 March 1933) and Germany (19 October 1933) had withdrawn, and only Egypt was left to join (on 26 May 1937). The stir raised by the international press over the admission of Germany placed France in the unpleasant position of the member who votes "No." Economically and financially she depends too much for her raw materials, capital and markets on lands beyond the sea. A fleet flying the flag of a naval power not belonging to the Continent never could. Finally, it was at Geneva that the idea of aid given by Great Britain to France in case of attack--the idea which had been given up because of America's failure to ratify the tri-partite agreement--was raised anew, first in the Pact of Mutual Guaranty and again in the Protocol. It was founded on 10 January 1920 following the Paris Peace Conference that ended the First World War, and ceased operations on 20 April 1946. In any case, these economic difficulties have been greatly exaggerated. The treaties, by giving satisfaction to the aspirations of peoples toward liberty, are responsible for this post-war stabilization which has so greatly surprised the gloomily prophetic economists. After realizing how weak the League of Nations and its main supporters, Great Britain and France, were, the Führer decided that it was safe enough to start militarizing Germany, as well as to commence a series of expansion attempts that were against both the Treaty of Versailles and the Covenant of the League of Nations. To what purpose, say these people, prolong war bitterness in the very League that should be the scene for a reconciliation between conquered and conquerors? A patriotic sentiment which is quite new and which is based on the hope of an independent life has been born in Austria as a result of the financial restoration undertaken there within the last two years by the League. Forced to withdraw by Italian invasion of 1939. In the third place, the independence of Austria. The reasons for French confidence in the League of Nations also concern the future. Today the League of Nations is something more in the minds of the peoples than an idea. Of the 42 founding members, 23 (or 24, counting Free France) were members when the League of Nations was dissolved in 1946. In thus entrusting to the League the oversight of four matters of chief concern to her, France not only has given from the start the greatest proof of attachment to the League that she can give, but she has at the same time shown her preference for fair and objective policies. Save for M. Leon Bourgeois and the little group of lawyers and politicians who ever since the Hague Conferences have been interested in the development of international law and the organization of peace, no one put any genuine faith in it. In view of the League’s desire to end war, the only criteria that can be used to classify a success, was whether war was avoided and a peaceful settlement formulated after a crisis between two nations. Austria, Bulgaria, and Hungary have all been admitted. Hitler announced that Germany was leaving the League in 1932. Status. France has something else to be afraid of. Rather they have sought to consolidate them. That solidarity, being slow and improvised, saved France at the cost of devastated regions which the German payments (diminished as they are by the reimbursements claimed by her ex-allies and associates), will not come near repaying, and at the cost of a million and a half dead and over seven hundred thousand wounded. Discussion about the Protocol thus offers a method of measuring the progress made in five years towards understanding the importance of an international force and of control organized by the League of Nations. But these negative reasons why France has been neither disappointed nor disturbed do not explain why French confidence in the League has actually grown during the last five years. This fear was fed, when the Covenant was being drawn up, by the British and American refusal even to consider two French amendments whose object was to increase the power and authority of the League by preparing for the organization of an international force and the setting up of a mutual surveillance over armaments. In undertaking to bring order into Austrian finances, the Council of the League has established her political independence--not because it has tried in this way to influence the choice of the Austrians, but because by relieving them from the despair which they felt in August, 1922, it has tried to give them time and opportunity to control their own destiny. The Outcome: Japan refused to leave Manchuria. The Soviet Union was expelled from the League in 1939, following its invasion of Finland, and were the only country to face this measure. [citation needed], Czechoslovakia never formally left the League and was present at the last meeting of the Assembly in 1946. That is the opinion of the majority in France. Article XXIII of the Covenant, which calls for "equitable treatment for the commerce of all members of the League," opens the way for pacific discussion in order to permit more fairness in the exchange of populations and raw materials. On October 23, 1933, Germany announced its withdrawal from both the Disarmament Conference and the League of Nations, ostensibly in response to the Western powers’ refusal to meet its demand for equality. So that no country which, like France, dreams of peace would willingly restrict the League's organization to Europe alone. Such a distinction cannot be admitted. 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Toledo-García, Itzel; University of Essex, UK: ‘’"La cuestión de la dignidad nacional en el ingreso de México a la Sociedad de Naciones, 1919-1931"’’, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Members of the 1st Assembly, League of Nations, List of States Members of the League of Nations on 31.XII.1944 from the League of Nations, Role in the Weimar Republic's hyperinflation, The Signing of Peace in the Hall of Mirrors, Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice, Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (the Mandela Rules), Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, UN Advisory Committee of Local Authorities, Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, World Federation of United Nations Associations, United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights,, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2017, Articles lacking in-text citations from May 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 7 January 2021, at 21:01. Naturally, the Allies felt it necessary to weaken Germany as to not give Germany the ability to upset the peace and order in Europe again. When the history of the post-war relations of Great Britain and France comes to be written it will be recorded that it was at Geneva that the two countries, though often in disagreement, always reached an accord the most easily. The Abyssinian Emperor Haile Selassie went to the League to appeal for help, but it did nothing else – in fact Britain and France secretly agreed to give Abyssinia to Italy (the Hoare-Laval Pact). In the early days of the League, France was less inclined than today to place confidence in the general promises of the pact, believing rather in special alliances and in one special alliance above all the rest. It is the problem of security. After Trump, Is American Democracy Doomed by Populism? It was thought that President Wilson paid no heed to European realities in his enthusiasm for a plan which, in its entirety, had sprung into being in his brain, over there in the United States. Likewise, none of the European microstates of Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, and Vatican City ever sought membership in the organization. Forced to withdraw by German occupation in May 1940 and incorporation into the German Reich. Many countries had important trading links with Japan. It is false, therefore, to pretend that the Covenant and the Protocol, because they do not permit alterations wrought by force, are intended solely to maintain the status quo for the benefit of special nations. Perhaps alone among the great powers, France has been neither disappointed nor disturbed by Geneva: none of her protectorates or colonies is a member of the League; in her case, immigration, active though it is, is of a date too recent to make the question of racial equality so grave as elsewhere; and, finally, the raw materials which France enjoys are not so extensive or so important that she is the most envied among the nations. It has now been over century since the League of Nations, a similar body established to resolve international disputes, was founded following the Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of … Last of all, the Covenant and the treaties join the present members of the League in a solidarity of vital interests which it would be difficult to ensure for a new association in which nations were joined only by formal agreement. It was at Geneva that Austria and Hungary, remnants from the territorial readjustments wrought by the Treaties of Saint-Germain and The Trianon, whose early demise so many English voices had predicted, received the financial aid which has enabled them to maintain their independence, thanks to a balanced budget and a stabilized currency. Countries are listed under the year in which they joined. On the one hand, if England is some day to subscribe to European engagements, it will be through the League of Nations; on the other, each year for five Assemblies, England has been made to feel that more than fifty nations hope a Franco-British agreement will be reached. THE purely idealistic reasons for joining the League of Nations have been dwelt upon in abundance of detail; and, with arguments of equal loftiness, certain very great nations have declared that if they did not join it was solely in order that they might preserve their liberty and thus render still more service to humanity. These, then, are the reasons why French distrust of the League has been transformed into confidence. Yet if such a policy should some day be imposed on France it will be against her will, for France understands that henceforward Europe represents too small a unit in the world to live a separate existence. Labor unions, intellectuals, and fighting men, to be sure, demanded the creation of an institution which should make an end of war; but shaken by the skepticism of the realists they were slow to recognize the idealized features of that institution in the face of the League which arose on the basis of the universally derided peace treaties. It has made others uneasy because when the Protocol was under discussion certain members predicted that the advance of international law would encroach little by little upon the rights that had been reserved--thus revealing the suspicion that the Council might come to act as a superstate. France's reputation of being a nation which, smarting from a series of violent blows, was hardly disposed to wish the League well, preceded her into the Assembly. Some of them even hope for an agreement between France and England and are working for it. As for Central and South America, France has found support which is particularly welcome because it is voluntary and free from all material considerations, reminding her of a fact which too often, in her chagrin, she has been inclined to forget--namely, that the place among the nations which her civilization guarantees her implies an obligation upon her not to live apart. The League experienced success in: The Aaland Islands (1921) The conference was organised by the League of Nations and attended by representatives of 61 countries. On the other hand, the Protocol provides that as soon as the mechanism of arbitration comes into play, and so long as it is operative, it is the duty of the League to see that none of the parties to the conflict augments its military strength. The League's greatest extent was from 28 September 1934 (when Ecuador joined) to 23 February 1935 (when Paraguay withdrew) with 58 members. On December 14, 1939, the League of Nations, the international peacekeeping organization formed at the end of World War I, expels the Union of Soviet Socialist Reasons for French confidence in the future peace Treaties contain the Covenant of Covenant... France did not want a … from Simple English Wikipedia, the final version of the League experienced in! League: “ to promote peace and prevent war ”, however the League of Nations should be enough..., at least for a decade after the war never formally left the UN against Finland the free.! 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