We have long known, for instance, that a cardiac neurosis comes not from the heart, as the old medical mythology would have it, but from the mind of the sufferer. • [The trickster] is a forerunner of the savior . . Moreover, every individual problem is somehow connected with the problem of the age, so that practically every subjective difficulty has to be viewed from the standpoint of the human situation as a whole. What I said about dancing struck him because I spoke about something that belonged in his own domain. What about masculinity? . par. The development of consciousness is the burden, the suffering, and the blessing of humankind.” C.G. I: “What are you demanding? It rests solely with the moral personality whether they … Therefore we must wrestle with the God for the self Since the God is an unfathomable powerful movement that sweeps away the Self into the boundless, into dissolution. In CW 16: The Practice of Psychotherapy. ~The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious p.7-8, • Whereas the personal unconscious consists for the most part of “complexes”, the content of the collective unconscious is made up essentially of “archetypes”. ~Carl Jung; Red Book. The significance of the morning undoubtedly lies in the development of the individual, our entrenchment in the outer world, the propagation of our kind, and the care of our children. He said I treated thoughts as if I generated them myself, but in his view thoughts were like animals in the forest, or people in a room, or birds in the air, and added, “If you should see people in a room, you would not think that you had made those people, or that you were responsible for them.” It was he who taught me psychic objectivity, the reality of the psyche. The unconscious is then found to be at a definitely animal level. One morning I came to his room with the usual greeting: “Good morning, how are you?” But the patient forestalled me with his well-known refrain: “Here comes another of the dog and monkey troupe wanting to play the Savior.” Then I knew his physical trouble was over. You want to pull up with your own force what can only rise slowly; ingesting itself affixed to itself from within. What serviceable forms rise from your body, you thieving abyss! Synchronicity acausality and occultism, dtv Verlag, Munich, 1990, • Again and again, events occurred that made me out of my normal everyday life also pushed into the unlimited “God’s world. • Everyone who becomes conscious of even a fraction of his unconscious gets outside his own time and social stratum into a kind of solitude. But it will always remain doubtful whether what metaphysics and theology call God and the gods is the real ground of these experiences. 381. In CW 10: Civilization in Transition. • “The fact that a man who goes his own way ends in ruin means nothing…He must obey his own law, as if it were a daemon whispering to him of new and wonderful paths…There are not a few who are called awake by the summons of the voice, whereupon they are at once set apart from the others, feeling themselves confronted with a problem about which the others know nothing. . This image is fundamentally unconscious; an hereditary factor of primordial origin engraved in the living organic system of the man, an imprint or “archetype” of all the ancestral experiences of the female, a deposit, as it were, of all the impressions ever made by woman-in short, an inherited system of psychic adaptation. The first explanation exhausts itself in stressing the importance of the cause and completely overlooks the final significance of the regressive process. [The Psychology of the Transference,” CW 16, par. 470, • I take the dream for what it is. In CW 8: The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche. In CW 10: Civilization in Transition. . I: “If I merely have knowledge of something, it’s easier and simpler. pg. • “From this point of view, alchemy seems like a continuation of Christian mysticism carried on in the subterranean darkness of the unconscious…. Significant dreams, on the other hand, are often remembered for a lifetime, and not infrequently prove to be the richest jewel in the treasure house of psychic experience.” (from “The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche”, 1960), • – “The real existence of an enemy upon whom one can foist off everything evil is an enormous relief to one’s conscience. Similarly, in the opposite type, regression would activate a thinking function that would effectively compensate the inadequate feeling. pg. [Ibid. As a matter of fact, we are constantly living on the edge of a volcano, and there is, so far as we know, no way of protecting ourselves from a possible outburst that will destroy everybody within reach. It is the first attempt to elevate this truth to a system. In spite of the Church’s recognition that certain dreams are sent by God, she is disinclined, and even averse, to any serious concern with dreams, while admitting that some might conceivably contain an immediate revelation. CW 6: P. 373, The world comes into being when man discovers it. In CW 16: The Practice of Psychotherapy. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.” (from “The Gifted Child”, 1942), • – “Christian civilization has proved hollow to a terrifying degree: it is all veneer, but the inner man has remained untouched, and therefore unchanged. It rests solely with the moral personality whether they apply themselves to good things or to bad. ~”Psychology and Religion” (1938). (1935). • – “All religions are therapies for the sorrows and disorders of the soul.” (from “Commentary to The Secret of the Golden Flower”, 1929), • – “By understanding the unconscious we free ourselves from its domination.” (from “Commentary to The Secret of the Golden Flower”, 1929), • – “[Life’s greatest problems] can never by solved but only outgrown.” (from “Commentary to The Secret of the Golden Flower”, 1929), • – “Science is not… a perfect instrument, but it is a superb and invaluable tool that works harm only when taken as an end in itself.” (from “Commentary to The Secret of the Golden Flower”, 1929), • – “To translate meaning into life … is to realize the Tao.” (from “Commentary to The Secret of the Golden Flower”, 1929), • – “Nothing exerts a stronger psychic effect upon the environment, and especially upon children, than the [unlived] life [of] the parents.” (from “Paracelsus”, 1929) The demons have not really disappeared but have merely taken on another form: they have become unconscious psychic forces. To the civilized man dreams as a rule appear valueless, though there are some people who attach great significance to certain dreams on account of their weird and impressive character. What is rationally correct is too narrow a concept to grasp life in its totality and give it permanent expression. This is absolute madness. The deeper “layers” of the psyche lose their individual uniqueness as they retreat farther and farther into darkness. It is the medium from which the religious experience seems to flow. Hence it largely forfeits its own life, because prevented from exerting the formative influence on consciousness natural to it; what is more, it remains in its original form — unchanged, for nothing changes in the unconscious. There, in the horrors of prisons, lunatic asylums and hospitals, in drab suburban pubs, in brothels and gambling-hells, in the salons of the elegant, the Stock Exchanges, Socialist meetings, churches, revivalist gatherings and ecstatic sects, through love and hate, through the experience of passion in every form in his own body, he would reap richer stores of knowledge than text-books a foot thick could give him, and he will know how to doctor the sick with real knowledge of the human soul. But if he cannot get along with these pedantic dogmatisms, he sees himself forced to be serious for once with his alleged trust in God, though it usually turns out that his fear of things going wrong if he did so is even more persuasive. In CW 8: The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche. . P.131, • It is a frightening thought that man also has a shadow side to him, consisting not just of little weaknesses and foibles, but of a positively demonic dynamism. 560), • From the ancient records we know that the divine drama was enacted between God and his people, who were betrothed to him, the masculine dynamis, like a woman, and over whose faithfulness he watched jealously. Mothers are overtaken by their children, men by their own creations, and what was originally brought into being only with labour and the greatest effort can no longer be held in check. In collective life it has left its deposit principally in the various religious systems and their changing symbols. 473, • Dreams are often anticipatory and would lose their specific meaning on a purely causalistic view. It thus forms the middle ground on which the opposites can be united. They are the manifestation and expression of excess libido. P.693, • If a man is endowed with an ethical sense and is convinced of the sanctity of ethical values, he is on the surest road to a conflict of duty. His system is tuned into woman from the start, just as it is prepared for a quite definite world where there is water, light, air, salt, carbohydrates etc…~”Two Essays in Analytical Psychology” In CW 7: P. 188, • The more remote and unreal the personal mother is, the more deeply will the son’s yearning for her clutch at his soul, awakening that primordial and eternal image of the mother for whose sake everything that embraces, protects, nourishes, and helps assumes maternal form, from the Alma Mater of the university to the personification of cities, countries, sciences and ideals ~”Paracelsus as a Spiritual Phenomenon” (1942) In CW 13: Alchemical Studies P.47, • A mother-complex is not got rid of by blindly reducing the mother to human proportions. 420. In this way everyone creates for himself a series of more or less imaginary relationships based essentially on projection. If we have made a wrong interpretation, or if it is somehow incomplete, we may be able to see it from the next dream. ~”On the Psychology of the Unconscious” (1953). In CW 16: The Practice of Psychotherapy. Hence when the God appears to us we are at first powerless, captivated, divided, sick, poisoned with the strongest poison, but drunk with the highest health. [On the Nature of the Psyche,” CW 8, par. In CW 8: The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche. This state would be pathological. Certainly the difficulties and adversities of the struggle for existence may oppress us, yet even the worst conditions need not hinder love; on the contrary, they often spur us on to greater efforts. In eliciting the meaning he will involuntarily be guided by certain presuppositions, and it depends very much on the scrupulousness and honesty of the investigator whether he gains something by his interpretation or perhaps only becomes still more deeply entangled in his mistakes. [“The Therapeutic Value of Abreaction,” CW 16, par. . • No, the demons are not banished; that is a difficult task that still lies ahead. I usually describe the supraordinate personality as the “self,” thus making a sharp distinction between the ego, which, as is well known, extends only as far as the conscious mind, and the whole of the personality, which includes the unconscious as well as the conscious component. [Definitions,” CW 6, par. I may allow myself only one criterion for the result of my labors: does it work? As regards ourselves we remain blind, despite everything and everybody. We delude ourselves with the thought that we know much more about matter than about a “metaphysical” mind or spirit, and so we overestimate material causation and believe that it alone affords us a true explanation of life. It is not, therefore, a question of inherited ideas but of inherited possibilities of ideas. But it amuses you and is easy to play at femininity; consequently man despises you because he despises his femininity. • “Insofar as society is itself composed of de-individualized human beings, it is completely at the mercy of ruthless individualists. The archetypal images decide the fate of man. The reddish color of the stones is wonderful; they reflect the glow of a hundred thousand past suns these small grains of sand have rolled in fabulous primordial oceans, over them swam primordial monsters with forms never beheld before. One can hardly think of any other or more effective means of waking humanity out of the irresponsible and innocent half-sleep of the primitive mentality and bringing it to a state of conscious responsibility. “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” – Carl Jung. “General Aspects of Dream Psychology” (1916). P.60, • For a woman, the typical danger emanating from the unconscious comes from above, from the “spiritual” sphere personified by the animus, whereas for a man it comes from the chthonic realm of the “world and woman,” i.e., the anima projected on to the world. Countless generations have labored at their organization with the same necessity with which the living organism reacts to the average, constantly recurring environmental conditions, confronting them with corresponding functional complexes, as the eye, for instance, perfectly corresponds to the nature of light. 162, • I leave theory aside as much as possible when analyzing dreams-not entirely, of course, for we always need some theory to make things intelligible. This something is not of course a scientific result to be boasted about or rationalized; but it is an important practical hint which shows the patient what the unconscious is aiming at. “You are no different from anybody else,” they will chorus or, “there’s no such thing,” and even if there is such a thing, it is immediately branded as “morbid”…He is at once set apart and isolated, as he has resolved to obey the law that commands him from within. It is something absolutely alien to man; the chasm, the unplumbed depths, the yin. In addition to the personal unconscious generally accepted by medical psychology, the existence of a second psychic system of a universal and impersonal nature is postulated. A thinker should fear Salome, since she wants his head, especially if he is a holy man. A conflict of duty forces us to examine our conscience and thereby to discover the shadow. We therefore possess no general criterion of judgment. But it will take a long time until you see what is destined for death and what is destined for life, since the lowest in you is still unseparated and one, and in a deep sleep. You will not reach the sun, and your power will not even extend to the barren moon; you will conquer neither the sea, nor the snow on the poles, nor the sands of the desert, but only a few spots on the green earth. . In this latter case, unfortunately, there is no scientific test that would prove the discrepancy between perception and reality. They are not subject to our control but obey their own laws. Nothing prevents our shifting the cardinal points as many degrees as we like in one direction or the other, or giving them differ-ent names. In CW 18: (retitled) “The Tavistock Lectures” P. 183, Becoming conscious spells being more alone inside oneself – more individuated, or isolated, possibly estranged. a purveyor of shoddy spiritual goods, . It is from these all-uniting depths that the dream arises, be it never so childish, grotesque, and immoral. But the formation of a symbol cannot take place until the mind has dwelt long enough on the elementary facts. Soul: “Why become enraged? This disunity with oneself begets discontent, and since one is not conscious of the real state of things one generally projects the reasons for it upon one’s partner. From this angle the whole edifice of civilization becomes a mere substitute for the impossibility of incest. ], • The common modern idea of spirit ill accords with the Christian view, which regards it as the summum bonum, as God himself. be demonstrated experimentally by the association tests, which are very useful for finding out things that people cannot or will not speak about. Thus man breathes his own life into things, until finally they begin to live of themselves and to multiply; and imperceptibly he is overgrown by them. . “Psychological Types”, p.88, Routledge, Carl Gustav Jung, Herbert Read, Michael Scott Montague Fordham, Gerhard Adler (1969). Jung, • “I have treated many hundreds of patients. Jung (The Symbolic Life: Miscellaneous Writings), • “The Wrong we have Done, Thought, or Intended Will wreak its Vengeance on Our Souls.” — C.G. In most cases it is impossible to explain to the others what has happened, for any understanding is walled off by impenetrable prejudices. ~”The Meaning of Psychology for Modern Man” (1933). For “God’s World” was everything “superhuman”, blinding light, and darkness of the abyss, the cold apathy of infinite time and space and the uncanny grotesque the irrational world of chance. . 9, Part 1., 2nd ed., Princeton University Press, 1968. Mother is mother love, my experience and my secret. Jung, • “When you succeed in awakening the Kundalini, so that it starts to move out of its mere potentiality, you necessarily start a world which is totally different from our world. If they get a slap in the face, then they become conscious; something really happens, and that makes them conscious. Which troubles can I transfer to you? – “New Paths in Psychology” (1912). Carl Jung Quotations: • All the works of man have their origin in creative fantasy. That was the stuff and material for more than only one life. Those who write superficial and cheap books about the subject are either unconscious of the far-reaching effects of analytical treatment or else ignorant of the real nature of the human soul. And in the same way, when he projects negative qualities and therefore hates and loathes the object, he has to discover that he is projecting his own inferior side, his shadow, as it were, because he prefers to have an optimistic and one-sided image of himself. 476, • The dream is often occupied with apparently very silly details, thus producing an impression of absurdity, or else it is on the surface so unintelligible as to leave us thoroughly bewildered. This, of course, does not do away with the fact that there are individuals whose thinking and feeling are on the same level, both being of equal motive power for consciousness. They are subjective factors, grouping themselves as they do in the dream, and expressing this or that meaning, not for extraneous reasons but from the most intimate prompting of our psyche. Carl Gustav Jung, Letters, vol.1 pg. • It seems to be very hard for people to live with riddles or to let them live, although one would think that life is so full of riddles as it is that a few more things we cannot answer would make no difference. Modern science has subtilized its projections to an almost unrecognizable degree, but our ordinary life still swarms with them. – “The Stages of Life” (1930). Jung (Analytical Psychology, Its Theory and Practice: The Tavistock Lectures), • “Only in the first hour of the night can I become human, while the male dove is busy with the twelve dead.’ –Black Book 2” — C.G. You cannot conquer more than the earth. How often have you experienced it, that the truth has been condemned? The conflict between the physical and the spiritual aspects only shows that psychic life is in the last analysis an incomprehensible “something.” – “Basic Postulates of Analytical Psychology” (1931). ~Depth Psychology and a New Ethic. • The demands of the unconscious then force themselves imperiously on consciousness and bring about a disastrous split which shows itself in one of two ways: either the subject no longer knows what he really wants and nothing interests him, or he wants too much at once and has too many interests, but in impossible things. In CW 7: Two Essays on Analytical Psychology. Against the power and delight of the temporal he must set the joy of the eternal, and against the passion of the sensual the ecstasy of the spiritual. In his memoir, “Memories, Dreams, Reflections”, Jung wrote that meaning comes “when people feel they are living the symbolic life, that they are actors in the divine drama.That gives the only meaning to human life; everything else is banal and you can dismiss it. This question, happily, can be answered in the affirmative. They are obviously autonomous psychic complexes which form themselves out of their own material. The sexual theory and the wish theory, like the power theory, are valuable points of view without, however, doing anything like justice to the profundity and richness of the human psyche. ], • As an empirical concept, the self designates the whole range of psychic phenomena in man. Thus the soul has been turned into a Nazareth Gradually from which nothing good can come. ~Memories, Dreams, Reflections p. 72, • Because we cannot discover God’s throne in the sky with a radio-telescope or establish (for certain) that a beloved father or mother is still about in a more or less corporeal form, people assume that such ideas are “not true.” I would rather say that they are not “true” enough, for these are conceptions of a kind that have accompanied human life from prehistoric times, and that still break through into consciousness at any provocation. I need atonement.” And what is the earth? I know only that I was born and exist, and it seems to me that I have been carried along. When the desert begins to bloom, it brings forth strange plants. - Carl Jung. The only certain thing is that both parties will be changed. wicked”; and then analyse carefully and with the utmost honesty all your reactions, feelings, and thoughts. His individual psychology is not merely a physiological, biological, or personal problem; it is also a contemporary problem. • “When the alchemist speaks of Mercurius, on the face of it he means quicksilver (mercury), but inwardly he means the world-creating spirit concealed or imprisoned in matter. . …Man’s consciousness was created to the end that it may recognize its descent from a higher unity; pay due and careful regard to this source; execute its commands intelligently and responsibly; and thereby afford the psyche as a whole the optimum degree of life and development. In CW 8: The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche. . Share in this guilt?” Anyone who still had enough sense of humor to listen objectively to the ensuing dialogue would be staggered by the vast number of commonplaces, misapplied truisms, clichés from newspapers and novels, shop-soiled platitudes of every description interspersed with vulgar abuse and brain splitting lack of logic. In CW 10: Civilization in Transition. ~”The Psychology of Transference” (1946). Everything to come was already in images: to find their soul, the ancients went into the desert. I hardly dare say that Izdubar’s fate is grotesque and tragic, for that is what our most precious life is. I know that you would like to hear the tidings of he whom things have not lived, but who lived and fulfilled himself. In CW 13: Alchemical Studies. Archetypes are likened to instinctual behavior patterns. This tremendous conclusion failed to dawn on the medieval mind.” Psychology and Alchemy (Part 3, Chapter 5.1). He rightly deserves a place among the immortal. The archetypes are, so to speak, organs of the pre-rational psyche. 199a. P.737, • Unfortunately there can be no doubt that man is, on the whole, less good than he imagines himself or wants to be. P. 764, When we say that it is egoistic or “morbid” to be preoccupied with oneself; one’s own company is the worst, “it makes you melancholy” – such are the glowing testimonials accorded to our human make-up. In CW 16: The Practice of Psychotherapy. pg. Psychic conditions which breed demons are as actively at work as ever. Naturally, in these circumstances there is the greatest temptation simply to follow the power-instinct and to identify the ego with the self-outright, in order to keep up the illusion of the ego’s mastery. The manifold sense of things is your manifold sense. What right have we then to depreciate imagination? The thoughts of one who feels are bad, therefore he has no thoughts. Because religion is precisely what the devil and I cannot agree about. As archetypes penetrate consciousness, they influence the perceived experience of normal and neurotic people; a too powerful archetype may totally possess the individual and cause psychosis. There is a mistake in the text of this quote. ], • In that event, the persona, being unconscious, will be projected on a person of the same sex, thus providing a foundation for many cases of open or latent homosexuality, and of father-transferences in men or mother-transferences in women. pg. [On the Nature of the Psyche,” CW 8, par. 789. I don’t paint dreams or nightmares, I paint my own reality. par. ], • The realization of the self, which would logically follow from recognition of its supremacy, leads to a fundamental conflict, to a real suspension between opposites (reminiscent of the crucified Christ hanging between two thieves), and to an approximate state of wholeness that lacks perfection. Acceptance of the Psyche how differently he sees us from how we look at things, but sucked out their! Mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not just identical with the nature of the ”. Would gain in probability … in vain would one look for understanding-only discover! 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