Q&A: The Virtual Environment for Social Information Processing (VESIP™)

Kwick/ March 19, 2013/ Special Features

The Virtual Environment for Social Information Processing (VESIP™) is the latest research endeavor at Rush NeuroBehavioral Center. The tool is an innovative assessment of social information processing, utilizing a computerized simulation in which children adopt the role of an avatar and use a computer mouse to navigate challenging social situations and engage in real-time social decision-making. Principal investigator Nicole Russo-Ponsaran,

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The Importance of Sleep in a Sleep-Deprived World

Kwick/ February 26, 2013/ Special Features

By Georgia Bozeday, EdD Director of Educational Services Rush NeuroBehavioral Center Many of us have something of a love-hate relationship with sleep. We’re pretty sure we should be getting more of it. We want to “sleep like a log” every night, but often we find ourselves “tossing and turning” when we finally do “hit the hay,” because we can’t let

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Kwick/ February 26, 2013/ Sharing Stories

Madeline, who’s eight now, is small for her age, a charming little girl with long brown hair and a shy nature. She’ s bright, precocious verbally, and very self-aware. The first time her parents brought her to my office she was only three, but she was able to describe the things that worried and frightened her. She became anxious “when

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Differences That Bring Us Together

Kwick/ February 26, 2013/ Special Features

By Clark McKown, Executive Director All children who come to RNBC are, of course, individuals. Many declare themselves with outsize personalities. There are, however, two challenges many RNBC children share. See if you can catch the common thread: Jack is a seventh grade boy who attends a small private school and has been with the same 30 or so classmates

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Q&A: Bullying in Schools: What Parents Can Do

Kwick/ January 29, 2013/ Special Features

In anticipation of her February 13 talk at Rush NeuroBehavioral Center, Dr. Anne Howard answered a few questions about the types and prevalence of bullying, the role of social development in bullying, and ways in which parents can help in prevention efforts. Click here to download a printable PDF version. Q: What are the main types of bullying that young people

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I Feel Completely Helpless

Kwick/ January 29, 2013/ Sharing Stories

“I feel completely helpless,” said the mom who called me. “My son Michael is absolutely miserable, and I don’t know how to help him. There are a bunch of kids at school who are so cruel. They really know how to get him worked up.” I arranged to do both a parent interview and a classroom observation, to see what

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Will the Real Social Network Please Stand Up?

Kwick/ January 29, 2013/ Special Features

Prior to his upcoming February 5 talk, titled “Will the Real Social Network Please Stand Up?,” Dr. Clark McKown, Executive Director of RNBC, discussed the online assessment tool SELweb™ and the concept of a ‘real social network.’ Click here to download a printable pdf version Q: Explain the concept of a “real social network.” Clark McKown: I’m making a distinction between

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The Treatment of Anxiety Disorders

Kwick/ December 7, 2009/ Special Features

Andrea Victor, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in the treatment of children with anxiety disorders.        All children, and all adults for that matter, have anxious or fearful moments. But the child with an anxiety disorder is prey to catastrophic struggles and sense of dread. “What if Mom drops me at soccer practice and never comes

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