Services for Students


A message about Covid: 

Dear Parents, thank you for choosing RNBC!  We are working hard to make sure your students are safe while staying on top of their school work. With this in mind, we are offering our Executive Function Family Workshops virtually.  This virtual learning experience will help students with a variety of tasks they struggle with during the school year. Now parents are included to help support your teens!

Middle & High School November Dates:

EF Family Workshop Flyer/Registration

Feel free to contact with any questions. 

Rush NeuroBehavioral Center recognizes that many students cannot achieve their full potential without tutoring help to develop Executive Function skills. We offer fee-based tutoring at RNBC. Sessions typically last 50 minutes. RNBC professionals will:

  • Assess the student’s strengths, weaknesses, and interests
  • Review any prior diagnostic testing
  • Evaluate the student’s work samples
  • Develop Executive Function goals
  • Implement the tutoring plan over the appropriate period of time to achieve the goals

Other fee-based services that are available:

  • Consultations with parents, schools, and other professionals
  • Observations of students (at home, at school, or both)
  • Individualized Educational Planning consultation (IEP)
  • Review of records and report writing