EF Professional Development

Executive Function Teacher Workshops

The Education Department at Rush NeuroBehavioral Center (RNBC) provides consultation with both public and private schools, to help facilitate the implementation of a school-based Executive Functions Program.  The typical Executive Functions plan involves the following:

  • Executive Functions Teacher Workshop professional development experience with RNBC staff
  • Consultation sessions with RNBC staff
  • Optional Services include parent presentations & student assessment of EF practices adherence

Professional Development

The professional development for Executive Functions Curriculum implementation is designed to emphasize materials and time management, as well as the five key lessons:  Task Analysis, Following Directions, Organizing Information, Test Preparation, and Goal Setting.  Specific approaches to instructional setting implementation are discussed but the main focus for implementation is the basis for the consultation sessions.. 

Topics covered in the professional development meetings are as follows: 

Foundational Units: Classroom Structure, Materials and Time Management

Study Strategies Units: Following Directions, Organizing Information, Strengthening Memory, Developing Study Plans and Test Preparation

Personal Growth Units: Goal Setting, Decision Making, Learning Preferences

The Executive Functions Curriculum Teacher Workshop experience follows the sequence developed in the RNBC Curriculum Notebook and features hands-on activities designed for instructional setting application. Each participant receives a copy of the digital version of the Executive Functions Curriculum Notebook.

Consultation Sessions

These sessions include RNBC following a structured process, meeting with classroom teachers regarding successes and challenges in conjunction with implementing the program.  These consultation visits usually center on reviewing the teacher-created implementation plans.  Constructed by the teachers, with guidance from the RNBC staff, these plans serve as a blueprint, complete with a timeline, to guide the teachers in using the Executive Functions Curriculum throughout the school year.  These consultation sessions can be conducted on site, in-person or through live remote presentations. The last of the consultation meetings usually focuses on an end-of-year discussion with representatives from the administration and faculty to review the current year and plan for EF implementation during the next school year.

Executive Function Student Assessment

Upon request, RNBC Educational Services staff can also conduct student assessment of adherence to materials and time management EF skills, using the Executive Functions Student Assessment format.