A Welcome Addition to RNBC: Anne Howard, PhD

Kfischer/ October 6, 2010/ Special Features

RNBC is pleased to introduce the newest member of the clinical team; Anne Howard, Ph.D. Dr. Howard is a certified school psychologist and will be licensed as a clinical psychologist this November. “My dual training allows me to assess children through both a clinical and school lens,” says Dr. Howard. “The school is often the first place parents and teachers

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New Stress & Anxiety Clinic at RNBC

Kfischer/ September 2, 2010/ Special Features

We at Rush NeuroBehavioral Center are pleased to announce a new service, starting in September, for the assessment and treatment of stress and anxiety disorders in children and adolescents. We’ve all experienced some level of anxiety during childhood. It may be short-lived and not have much of an impact on our lives. But when a child experiences fear or worry

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The Treatment of Anxiety Disorders

Kwick/ December 7, 2009/ Special Features

Andrea Victor, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in the treatment of children with anxiety disorders.        All children, and all adults for that matter, have anxious or fearful moments. But the child with an anxiety disorder is prey to catastrophic struggles and sense of dread. “What if Mom drops me at soccer practice and never comes

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Social-Emotional Learning Assessment: a New RNBC Service

Admin/ October 10, 2009/ Special Features

One of the most important jobs of childhood involves making friends, keeping friends, earning the good opinion of others and avoiding the social landmines of rejection, isolation, and loneliness. Children who succeed at these tasks enter adolescence and adulthood ready for success in relationships that are critical for a life well-lived—with spouse, children, friends, and colleagues. Yet a startling number

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Understanding the IEP Process: A Six-Step Guide

Admin/ October 10, 2009/ Special Features

By Barbara Resnick, MS, Educational Specialist/School Liaison This article is the second in a three-part series designed to educate and assist parents as they work with their child’s school. Part I focused on a typical scenario involving a student’s parents and school communicating about learning concerns. In this series, the process described resulted in a decision to conduct a psychological

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What is Response to Intervention (RTI)?

Admin/ October 10, 2009/ Special Features

By Barbara Resnick, MS, Educational Specialist/School Liaison This is the last of a three-part series designed to educate and assist parents as they work with their child’s school in securing assessment and services relative to special needs. Part I focused on the various stages related to conducting a psychoeducational assessment battery. Part II, explained how eligibility for special education services

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