SELweb Middle School Overview

Ashley Karls/ April 4, 2022/ Uncategorized

SELweb MS assessment and study info   SELweb Middle School (SELweb MS): A web-based assessment of social-emotional competencies currently being developed for middle school (grades 6–8). What it Measures: Self-Awareness (understanding one’s own emotions, including causes and physical experiences) Self-Management (managing feelings, including coping with challenging situations and emotions) Social Awareness (understanding others’ feelings and perspectives) Relationship Skills (managing challenging situations,

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Three of a Kind?

Admin/ October 24, 2012/ Sharing Stories, Uncategorized

Click Here for Printable pdf Version Recently I got a call from a school principal I’ll call Laura who was concerned because of what she called “an epidemic” of ADHD in a first grade classroom. “There are three little girls we’re all having a hard time working with,” she explained. “They’re sweet, they’re affectionate, they want to please their teacher,

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The Key to Assessment and Services at RNBC: They are Evidence-Based

Cgonley/ June 21, 2012/ Uncategorized

RNBC employs two main pathways to helping children and families.  The first resource is through assessing the nature of children’s neurobehavioral challenges.  The second area is through providing recommendations for or directly administering services to children.  Making judgments about the best way to approach assessment and the best kinds of interventions to provide or recommend is central for each of

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Developing Executive Function Skills This Summer

Cgonley/ May 9, 2012/ Uncategorized

Involve your child in planning for summer ☼  Plan itineraries, budgets, transportation and packing for vacations ☼  Research camps, summer sports leagues, arts classes and recreational programs ☼  Organize parties, sleep-overs, and family gatherings (menus, venues, invitations, etc.) Set summer goals  ☼  Read books and track progress  (pages per day, week and month)  ☼  Create a budget and savings plan around

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The Benefits of Research

Cgonley/ February 27, 2012/ Uncategorized

By: Nicole Russo-Ponsaran, Ph.D. Assistant Professor 1. Why is it important to have a child participate in research studies? Research studies help us understand how the brain, body, and behavior function together. Through research, we find new ways to help children.  For example, research studies can lead to (1) better diagnostic assessments (2) preventative medicine, and (3) effective ways to

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Terese Burk

Cgonley/ November 18, 2011/ Uncategorized

Terese Burk, MA Curriculum Development, joined the Rush NeuroBehavioral Center as an Education Specialist in July of 2011. Currently, Terese manages school partnerships in the Chicago land area and tutors students through RNBC’s clinical program. In the school setting, Terese works to incorporate RNBC’s Executive Functions Curriculum into the school curriculum. By supporting teachers with their implementation of Executive Functioning

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Anxiety & School Refusal: Conquering the “Jitters”

Cgonley/ August 4, 2011/ Special Features, Uncategorized

The start of another school year is just around the corner! Many children eagerly anticipate the excitement of filling up their book bag with school supplies, wearing new back-to-school clothes, and re-connecting with friends, but other children meet this time of year with dread, shame, and worry. School-based anxiety is a common issue facing children, adolescents, and their families. Parents

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An Opportunity to Understand

Cgonley/ June 10, 2011/ Special Features, Uncategorized

Joe is an 8 year-old boy who was referred to me by his 2nd grade teacher because of concerns about his classroom functioning. His teacher reported that Joe often does not seem to be paying attention, is behind his peers academically and has difficulty keeping himself organized.  In addition, she reported that Joe frequently goes to the school nurse complaining

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Summer At Its Best

Cgonley/ June 10, 2011/ Uncategorized

Recently I asked one of my young patients, “So how many days til the end of school?”  “Fourteen and a half,” he said instantly. Many of the kids I treat really do count the days. The effort to produce academically when there’s a difficulty with learning or regulating behavior can push children to the limit. The relief of being free

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